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Tag Archives: music theory

You see? Not a pepper in sight! I *do* have a romantic side, truly I do!

Why are there twelve notes in a scale?

I posted the following on sci.math.research in response to something, but I think I’ll put it here as well, because I think it’s pretty interesting:

Here’s a question for you, that you might want to know the answer to: *Historically*, why are there twelve notes in the scale? And why are seven white and five black?

The answer is that one that ties in lots of stuff about continued fractions, but goes along these lines: one is looking at the octave, and divides it up by looking at the first n fifths (in our scale c,g,d,a,e,b,…) – this divides up the scale.

Pythagoras et al. thought that one should try to keep the variety of intervals between consecutive notes as small as possible – in the end, deciding that the fewer different intervals present the better. Scales generated by fifths that have only two intervals present between side-by-side notes are called Pythagorean. None have just one interval, and the first three Pythagorean scales have 5,7, and 12 notes. 12 was thought pretty much enough, I’m guessing, and it can have nicely embedded into it the two smaller scales (as white and black notes).

I should have a reference for the original article where I read this (some Irish maths society bulletin I think), but I’ve said enough that the material should be findable online. Ah yes, here it is: IMS BULLETIN Number 35 Christmas 1995, p24, “Musical Scales”, María José Garmendia Ridríguez, Juan Antonio Navarro González , for all the good it’ll do you.

Symmetries of Musical Scales

Stephen Lavelle

Messiaen was a fair-sound composer with some fair-sound ideas.

I’m basing the body of this analysis around one of the things he was big into, though I’m approaching it from a
mathematical point of view.

I won’t speak of him again in this article.

ok, here’s the notation:

C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B

That’s how I’m going to represent the scale, I’m not going to put the sharps above the other normal notes or anything.

Ok, most scales we use don’t have any transformational symmetries. Why? very simple – we know where we stand. Here’s the major scale (x mark the notes):


It has no symmetries.

So you always know exactly where you are and where the main note should be. You feel secure.

Look at the whole tone scale however:


Because the scale looks the same whether you start it on C or D or F# or whatever, you can’t tell where you are – it leaves you feeling very confused and helpless.

Or, in other words, it has transformational symmetries.

I’m going to try and see if i can catalogue these symmetris now if i can. (I’m just seeing what happens as i go along).

The 12 note scale has 12 different symmetries, so when you’re listening to the scale, you can’t tell absolutely where you are, you could be in any one of twelve positions:


The 11 note scale, though it’s hard to differentiate it from a 12 note scale unless you have some really explicit runs, has no symmetries. It is non-symmetrical.


The following 10 note scale has two symmetries, so you can’t tell whether you’re in the top group of five or the bottom group.


The 9-note scale has symmetries too, three of them, (you see now the niceness inherant in having a 12 note scale? so many divisors!).


The 8-note scale has a fair few symmetries, but there are lots of different possible 8-note scales, but they all have the same two symmetries as the 10-note one, except for one version:

This one has two symmetries



the following one has four symmetries! (innit it great?)


Seven-note scales arn’t symmetrical, they have no symmetries, and are the scales we use mostly (eg. the major/harmonic-minor scales)

Six-note scales have a fair few symmetries, the main one being the whole-tone scale from the beginning. It has 6 symmetries:


These ones have two symmetries:



And this one has three:


I hypothesise that given a scale with n notes (in this case 12), and a subscale of k notes, the number of
symmetries depends on the number of common factors of the two numbers. I won’t prove it till I’ve slogged through the rest of the scales.

Five note scales don’t have any symmetries.

Four note scales have lots of symmetries and possible scales. This one has four symmetries:


These ones have only 2:



Three note scales arn’t that common (or versatile!)but there’s one scale that fits the bill with three symmetries:


There’s only one two-note scale with a symmetry(it has two transformational symmetries):


And the one note scale has none.

Right!, that’s the scales done out. Now to look for a pattern :)

does it have scale with these symmetries? 2 note 3 note 4 note 6 note 8 note 9 note 10 note 12 note
2 y y y y y y
3 y y y y
4 y y y
6 y y
12 y

see that there’s a sort of pattern emerging? :)

Notice how scales with a length that has no common factors with 12 (eg. 5 or 7) have no symmetries, and how no scale has a number of transformational symmetries equal to a number that doesn’t divide into 12.

The reason that, say, a scale with 7 notes doesn’t have any symmetries in the 12 note system is that it has to be able to divide the 12 notes into pieces of equal sizes. But it can’t. So it has no symmetries.

Here’s a rewritten version of the same table:

# of scales with these symmetries 2 note 3 note 4 note 6 note 8 note 9 note 10 note
2 1 2 2 2 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1
6 1

(I left out the 12 note scale because it’s not part of the pattern. Also, i dount count scales with 6 symmetries as also having 2 and 3 (though they do))

Given a segment of 12 notes, it can be divided into lengths of its factors greater than 1, i.e.2,3,4,6 (we’ll ignore 12).

Each of these segments can be filled in many different ways, though we won’t count some of them (i.e. xx– is same as –xx, and x–x is same as -xx- when they’re
stuck beside eachother). So given a length n, and k “x”s to put in it, there are (n-1)!/(k!(n-k)!) ways to fill it up. (! means factorial.
e.g. 5!=5*4*3*2*1)

Now, lets say you’re counting the scales with 6 notes. You know that you can get at least one scale with 3 symmetries because 3 divides 12 and 6. The question is, “how many can you get?”. The answer is pretty simple. You have 6 notes, and three identicle areas, each of length 4, each with 6/3 notes in it.


So this tells me that there are 3 different scales with 6 notes and 3 symmetries. But my table only hints at two…why? because a scale with 6 symmetries also has two so it must also be included.

Here’s a modified version of the original table taking this into account:

# of scales with these symmetries 2 note 3 note 4 note 6 note 8 note 9 note 10 note
2 1 3 3 3 1
3 1 2 1
4 1 1
6 1

So, given an L note superscale (in this article L=12), and a subscale of length l, for each common factor f of L and l,
the number of different scales S, of symmetry f is:


I didn’t explain every step in the proof but it generates the grid above … basically if you don’t understand how i deduced it by this stage you wouldn’t
understand the proof. (all to do with cyclic permutations, nothing too interesting).

Covering Spaces in Music Theory

Below’s the content of a rambling email I sent to mathstuff, thought the description good enough to put up here. Note that there are many other ways to bring covering spaces into music theory – the whole of mazzola’s theory is based around coverings and symmetries in fact, but the below example is probably the simplest.

From Sat Jun 4 21:31:22 2005
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 01:42:18 +0100 (IST)
From: Stephen Lavelle
Subject: combinatorics/music ramblings

[description of a specific computational problem, nothing too interesting…snipped]

This just came up when doing some harmony calculations – the set up is
quite pleasant actually ; you have your base-set of notes N, a scale S
which is a subset of N.

You define your consonant intervals (say major and minor thirds and
major fifths, augmented fifths, and tritones), and you form a graph whos vertices are the notes of N, such
that there is an edge between two notes whenever the interval they form is

In the case of the major scale, this provides you with a rather amusing
(triangulated surface homeomorphic to a) mobius strip. If you look at
one of Riemann’s harmonic theories and interpret it geometrically, it is
equivalent to fixing an orientation on the strip ;) (of course, Riemann’s
theory makes sense – that it is logically inconsistent is just an artifact
of its verbalization (though I guess the analysis did clarify where
exactly clarification was needed…maybe…)). [But it’s not that cool
when you think about it further – there are much simpler ways to look at
it non-geometrically].

Now, from this graph you can construct the triads (for our specific case
major minor augmented + diminished chords)- that is whenever you
have a triangle (indicating that the three notes are all consonant with
eachother when sounded), the three points involved in their connection
forms a triad.

Ideally you want every note in your scale to be part of *some* triad
(otherwise … well otherwise it’s not really considerable
from a harmonic perspective). If this condition holds, then you can view
your set of triads as being a covering of your scale (that is, every note
is part of some triad, so you can view the triads as hovering in almost
some sublime way above the scale), called, aptly enough, a triadic

Now, you can construct the *nerve* of this covering (as you can with any
covering), the nerve is a graph associated to a covering, it is a general
topological construction useful in homology + cohomology, and goes as
follows: you take as your set of vertices all the triads, and there is an
edge joining two triads whenever they have some notes in common.

This may seem a bit shite, but it can actually be quite enlightening to
look at (and a practical way of visualising the chord structure on any
particular scale) – though, alas, for many scales the graphs are very high
dimensional (which sucks).

Now, back to something else: you look at all transpositions of N
(which induce transpositions in S, C(N), C(S)). The first thing to
figuring out cadences is to find these minimal sets of notes that
classify a scale up to transposition (that is, when you hear it, you know
for certain where your scale is – scales ambiguous in this way were
well-loved my Messian + co. …this effect also contributes to the
unsettlingness of the wholetone scale), and then, to find the cadence sets
you have to find, for each cadence set, the minimal sets of chords that
cover it (there may be several).

And that’s what I’m trying to program in at the moment (note that though
what I’m doing is a little nice, it’s not a completely accepted theory yet
(and it’s also not my theory, though I’ll try to generalize it a bit some
other time (there are some generalizations of the triadic coverings that
allow one to incorporate some jazz theory (which involve abandoning S
altogether)) :) , but nobody’s generalized the modulatory theory to go
along with it yet ).

Right…so…yeah…that’s my rambling for today.



So a Croatian walks into a bar, and the bartender says, “We don’t serb
your kind!”

General Music Stuff

Some Formalizations in Musical Set Theory PDF or Postscript

An Introduction to Forms and Denotators (Mazzola Stuff) PDF or Postscript


Here’s a small selection of what stuff still survives of my recordedmusic. Some of it’s fairly entertaining :)

I’m sorry about the dodgy quality of them – all the ones below were recorded via a minidisk player, copied to a computer, copied back ot a minidisk player, copied back to a computer, compressed, etc., then put up here. The ones recorded were also recorded with *very* *very* dodgy recording equipment. I did try to touch them up a little, but to little effect.

Sleeping Scared : Electronic , 2:29, 1.7mb

Beepy : Electronic , 1:09, 1.7mb

Improvisation: Gathered
: Piano, 1:05, 0.7mb

Improvisation in three parts : Piano 36:35
Part 1 13:34, 9.3mb
Part 2 12.29, 8.6mb
Part 3 10.32, 7.2mb

Improvisation around Dies Irae (very rough) : Piano, 4:00, 2.8mb

Lento: synthesized strings, 4:25, 3.2mb

It’s a pity all of my better electronish stuff is long gone (it’s a pity for me anyway ). I did have some entertaining stuff though! I do have lots of midi files of piano stuff I wrote also, but they’re…well – not really for listening to.

American Set theory anyone?

Finally, David Lewin’s book on generalized interval systems was back in the library today. I had a look at it for an hour or so and while I didn’t get enough into it to see any musical applications that I didn’t already know about, I saw that a lot of his mathematics could be rephrased and tossed around to make the whole picture a lot more mathematical.

So excited was I that I started writing it up straight away (well, it’s not too exciting, but I was feeling enthusiastic because I recognised a natural transformation :) ).

Anyway, here’s what I managed to sketch this evening:

Some Formalizations in Musical Set Theory PDF or Postscript

Given that that was based on less than an hour’s reading, I think I’ll be able to get a lot more fun out of this book over the summer :) woo!

I also upped the contents of an email I wrote to mathstuff yesterday on the the uses of covering spaces in music theory. It can be found here.

ALSO, I put up some sketchy illustration/diagrams describing Mazzola’s composition structures:

Sketches of Objective Local and Global Compositions

So yes. Guess who’s not getting much study done at the moment?

Gödel set to Verse

Logic Proof-Sketches in Rhymed verse

Has rhymed sketchy outlines of the diagonalization lemma, Gödel’s first theorem, and the Gödel-Rosser theorem.

Music Theory Talk

I gave a 45 minute talk on some topics relating mathematics and music theory (basic Helmholtz, with a brief description of the American and Zurich schools), an outline of the topics involved, as well as an annotated bibliography on the literature in the field can be found [HERE]

Forms and Denotators

Forms and denotators are the language of choice for the music-theorist Guerino Mazzola. I’ve been in the process of writing up a brief explanation/introduction to them, and enough of it is written (10 pages) for me to post it (all that’s missing are one or two fully worked out examples). I didn’t know if I should put it in the maths section, computers section, or music section…but I plomped for the music section (who knows, some day I might add enough on so that it actually contains some proper music-theory :) ).

An introduction to Forms and Denotators: PDF or Postscript.

Sketches of Objective Local + Global Compositions

I thought some generic manifoldesque illustrations were in order for Mazzola’s Composition structures.

Icecube’s Quick Harmony Guide in 250 easy steps!, ca. 2000/2001

1> This is a guide in 2 Parts.

2> Part one deals with composing theory & harmony.

3> Part two is an exercise in reading the null byte (or e for all you linguists out there : ) )

4> Points marked with a \\ instead of a > are strictly useless to people interested in functional music making, but interesting nevertheless.

5> It starts off a little abstract/general, but I use fruity loops for examples later on.

6> Loads of thanks to the people who made fruity loops. All images used in this document are from it, and are property of Image-Line software!

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