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Stewie:"Oh please. From another dimension? How's one to interpret that, then? What's a dimension? Oh. My. God. Where did you get those shoes?! They're just fab!"

A dense rant/challenge about thinking in higher/any dimensions

Thinking in 4D is hard? Yes, but so is thinking in 3D! Even picturing things in 1D invariantly (that is to say, without thinking of things in terms of an absolute scale), I posit, is a challenge. Or to think in three dimensions without some sort of “gravitational field” or other absolute notion of up-down. Or to think in three dimensions without having one’s self as an “observer”, a fixed point/basis in the space. Also, all the possible ways of thinking of things in terms of fibering, or “foliating” 4-dimensional objects into “sequences” of three dimensional ones are intrinsically (though not necessarily irreparably) flawed*, as they destroy a lot of the invariance of the space (for instance, a line in one direction may end up appearing as a sequence of points <- this is a very ungeometrical distinction) which is really what you're trying to capture anyway, or? *to go in the reverse way, to construct a space-time from space, requires similar considerations - thankfully, Lorentz transformations do the job fabulously and give us a notion of invariance on the full space. *sigh*, invariant thoughts are so hard to come by ("but", says Cartan, "maybe if you can learn to think of the associated G-bundle of your choiceful thoughts, then you can render your thoughts then invariant". I replied, "Oh, what mystical words you speak Cartan!". He had gone, by then, though). I have gotten a lot more comfortable in thinking about riemannian manifolds (spatially) though, recently.

There's not much on earth like writing a final year thesis. Not much on earth at all.

This is, needless to say, a mixed blessing.

Thinking more about my project

Anyone here know where I might go to spice up my scientific vocabulary? Not in terms of nouns, just generally, my range of expression seems to be a little bit limited. For instace, on my final year thesis (ps | pdf), as it stands, after figuring out how to indent and removing a kazillion sentences that started with “Now, ” (or rather, the “Now,” that once started them), my current counts of various catchphrases are as follows:

  • “we have” – 42
  • “means” – 14
  • “i.e.” -13
  • “So,” – 10
  • “we see” – 8
  • “this gives” – 5

With the total word count being somewhere about 7.7k words (though “word count” isn’t such an easy thing to define when you’re dealing with maths documents; I used this online applet to do it for me).

But yeah, “we have” – what the fuck is wrong with me?

Oh, why did I have so many “Now,”‘s starting sentences? Well, there was a horrific ambiguity that I hadn’t thought about but had compensated for – as I was typing my latex, whenever I wrote an equation on a line by itself, the next line would be indented. So, the problem amounted to: how is one to tell when one is starting a new paragraph, or simply continuing the one that preceeded (and encompassed) the equation? I did this by making copious use of “Now,”, and “This gives,” respectively. Now it’s fixed. But I still think that, as far as subconscious coping strategies goes, the above one is one of the more interesting I’ve noticed of myself.

Cauchy, Riemann, and a dog called CR. Woo.

CR, surprisingly, does not stand for Cr, that is, r-times differentiable, but rather CAUCHY RIEMANN.

You'd be surprised how long it took me to figure that one out.

I talk on Wednesday! I talk, I talk!

I’m giving a talk with the mathsoc this Wednesday, in the seminar room in the maths department at noon, bearing the title

Cauchy Riemann Manifolds.

Oh yes, this will be some fantastic class of lecture, no pots about that. It probably won’t be about CR manifolds though. I mean, it will be, but not really; it’ll actually probably be only a little bit about them. And a little bit about Cartan’s Supremely Cool method of moving frames.

As I made them warn in the official blurb, there is the possibility that there
probably,somewhat necessarilly, will be some technicalities involved. But, unlike in previous years, there will be a superabundance of evocative/risqué sketches and plenty of suggestive gestures, so you may be able to convince yourself that you understand something that’s going on even if you don’t. Depending on the (absence of) departmento-heirarchical status of the audience, I might well insert some toilet into the proceedings.

There will be tea and biscuits at it as well, and hopefully everything will be pretty informal.

Here’s the official notice (the Cartan-attributed quote is, naturally, mine, of course).

Here we go:
This week the mathsoc proudly welcomes back Mr. Stephen Lavelle who will
be giving a talk entitiled “Cauchy Riemann Manifolds”, which might include
a little bit of something to do with Cauchy Riemann Manifolds. Now you may
be asking yourself or possibly someone else, other than an utterance when
some one recieves a bad hand in poker, what indeed is a manifold, for that
matter who is this Cauchy (pronounced cow-key) Riemann bloke and what does
this “Mr. Lavelle” character know about him that I don’t? Well its not my
place to answer those questions, however I will give you a hint, Stephen
knows. This is a very special once in a lifetime presentation and is not
to be missed.
SO at 12 noon in the smeinar room of the mathematics dept. on Wednesday
5th of April bring your own soups, sandwiches, crisps and cappucini along
and enjoy one of the most unique events we’ll have this year.
This talk may also include a bit of stuff about Cartan’s “utterly
fablicious” (his words, not mine (only he said them in french)) methode du
repere mobile.
Warning: this may get very technical

Crammer Time: Our librarian, has been working very hard over the
midterm, so if you need a book, just ask and he’ll do his best to get it
for you (even if its not in our library)

Next Week Bert Toturo of Cambridge will be toturing along to give us a
talk. This will be feature lecture of the year so we intend to make it

Hope to see you all there on Wednesday,

Stuck for a caption. And an image, really, for that matter.

Maths Teaching

A classic report from the London Mathematical Society newsletter, on how generic teaching methods often simply are not appropriate when one is instructing students in mathematics:

“The Education Secretary reported the responses from heads of departments to a survey on the training provided by their institutions for new lecturers. There was strong dissatisfaction with the widespread reliance on generic methods and learning theory that is often inappropriate to mathematics. Use of blackboards is generally discouraged, and one generic course even suggested that lecturers should avoid mathematics in their presentations! The two-day September MSOR workshop for new mathematics lecturers run by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) subject centre was viewed much more positively. Council approved a letter to the HEA, to be copied to departments, elaborating on these views.”

"You want a diffeomorphism, here you go!"

Cartan was a courteous fellow, and quite the wit, famous for such gems as: "I'd rather a reacharound than a pullback any day of the week." (only he said it in French).

Cartan’s Method of Equivalence (an outline)

In mild preparation for my project write up, here’s an attempt at an explanation of Cartan’s (rather cool) method of equivalence.

Firstly, a vector space problem. Say you have two bases E={ei} and E’={e’i} in an inner product space. You say that they are equivalent (with respect to the inner product) if there is an orthogonal (i.e. angle preserving) transformation A such that E’=AE

In general, you have equivalence problems with vector spaces, where you have a space V, and a group G of linear transformations of the space that preserve the structure you care about (in the last case G was the orthogonal group O, and it preserves in inner product). And you say that two bases E={ei} and E’={e’i} are equivalnet if there is a g ∈ G such that


Now, take a linear transformation of vector spaces L:V→V’, where V,V’ have bases E, E’ respectively. We say that L preserves whatever structure it is that G preserves if LE=gE’.

So, here’s the initial question: We say that V and V’ (with bases E, E’) are G-equivalent iff there is a linear bijection L:V→V’ such that LE=gE’ for some g∈G.

Notice how it involves two different sorts of steps, you have to find both a linear bijection L and a transformation g.

Cartan figured out a way to construct a space so that the question because just about linear bijections instead, reducing the problem to a 1-step thing.

So, the idea (in the degenerate case of vector spaces) involves considering the family of vector spaces VxG, which is a family of vector spaces, one for each g ∈ G.

We will extend a basis E in V to a basis F in the vector space corresponding to the element g ∈ G as gE (I will denote that vector space (V,g)). We have F(g)=gE. Fine..

Now, the cool thing is that a transformation L1:VxG→V’xG (that maps (V,g) into (V,g) ) such that L1F’=F is the same as a mapping L:V→V’ with LE’=gE, for some g∈G.

To show it one way, take L1(v,g)=(L(v),T(g)), with


As F(g)=gE, L1(F(g),g)=L1(gE,g)=(T(g)L(E),g). This gives


i.e. T(g)L(E)=gE’, or


So this gives L(E)=hE’, where h=T(g)-1g (which is independent of g).

Conversely, given an equivalence LE=hE’, you can construct a mapping


which does the trick.

Okay. Now, the general case is *exactly* analagous to the one above, and I will outline it presently (if you don’t know about differential forms, you’ll have to be satisfied with the above).

So, instead of a vector space, you have a manifold M, and instead of a basis E={ei} you have a coframe ω={ωi}. Now you still have your group G that acts on tangent spaces, but this time the equivalence is a tangentspace-wise thing; that is g can be different at each point.

So, we say two manifolds M and M’ with coframes ω and ω’ are equivlant if there is a morphism Ψ:M→M’ with Ψ*ω’ (p,v) = g(p) ω for some g:M→G.

The solution is exactly along the same lines. You look at a principal G-bundle (with projection π(g,p)=p ), and extend the coframe ω to the bundle (though it’s not a full coframe in the bundle- you generally have to add more 1-forms to it by differentiation and stuff to get things to work out) as


Now, in exactly the same way as with the vector spaces, you can show that two manifolds M and M’ with given coframes are equivalent if and only if there is a map between their respective G-bundles that pull back the induced 1-forms correctly.


Well, that probably wasn’t worth of a “tada” given that I skipped the last bit. But still, I think it’s a really nice construction, and it’s the starting point of a more general method/algorithm for determining invariants of manifolds with various structures.

somebody set us up the bomb!

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Adjoint Functors & Toposes.

(this is esoteric and not cutting edge, so is probably pointless (ho ho ho). Nonetheless, I will write about it. It requires a familiarity with topology and maybe categories).

I talked in an earlier post about how you can “lift” a lot of concepts about subsets and elements of an object up into the language of morphisms by using classifying spaces, and morphisms up into the functorial stratum by using the yoneda lemma.

But there is, as I hinted there, another way to go; when one starts dealing with sheaves (which I should talk about again soon in more detail) one might want to carry the notion of “continuous map” up from being a morphism to being something involving sheaves.

But, then, what’s the best way to do it? And how did I loose my fear of adjoint functors? Read on to find out more… .

You know, people involved with category theory swear by adjoint functors. I was always, like, “yeah, I can understand that, because pretty much all categorial constructions can be phrased in terms of them, they are pretty neat. But then again, pretty much all categorial constructions can be phrased in terms of all other categorial constructions”. And I always found limits (and later, universal constructions) far more natural and meaningful.

(Oh, if the following seems a little overly technical, you can skip to the end where I’ll say things in a slightly more straight-forward manner.)

But then I came across a use for them (via [1]) that made them seem oh so natural and fundamentally neat, which I’ll outline below.

Okay, so you start with two (topological) spaces X and Y and some continuous map between them. These are the things that people like playing around with in the category of topological spaces.

Now I have to talk about Sheaves. A sheaf on a particular space X encapsulates a particular bunch of functions/data that can be assigned to X, and that can be built up locally. For more info, try looking at the wikipedia entry or googling it yourself. For the rest of this, I’m going to talk about Sheaves as if they are collections of, say real-valued, functions (that can be glued together locally etc) that I’ll call sections.

A continuous map from X to Y gives you maps from open sets of Y to open sets of X (via the preimage). Thus, any section on an open set of X can be composed with the preimage function to give you a section on Y. So, in this way, given a continuous map from X to Y you can transform any sheaf on X to a sheaf on Y.

But it’s quite hard to characterize, just talking about individual sheaves, how continuous maps should be characterized as maps between sheaves. It’s not even obvious how to define a morphism between sheaves on different sites.

However, something nice happens inside your head once you realise that the collection of sheaves on X forms a category Sh(X). As a “thing”, it doesn’t mean much, but that’s not what’s required of it. The important bit is that, for a nice (sober: that is to say all closed sets contain closed points) topological space, a continuous map from X to Y describes not just any mapping but a functor from Sh(X) to Sh(Y). It corresponds to a sort of “direct-image”-esque thing. Which is pretty neat.

However, not all functors from Sh(X) to Sh(Y) do that (which sucks a little), so – you know, I would feel very wary about spending my time working with just any old functor from Sh(X) to Sh(Y), when there might be no geometric interpretation when you go back down to talking about X and Y.

Oh, but here’s the thing – the functor Sh(X)->Sh(Y) that you get from continuous mappings from X to Y is actually categorially quite a special one, in that it is a right adjoint. And the left adjoint has an interpretation as an inverse image functor. (also *cough the inverse image preserves finite limits cough cough* ).

And the important thing is this: all pairs of adjoint functors between Sh(X) and Sh(Y) such that the left adjoint preserves finite limits are the same as continuous maps from X to Y.

Okay, to summarise: Topological spaces are cool, but categories of sheaves are cooler. Continuous maps are, like, vitally important when talking about topologies, but have no nice interpretation as mappings between pairs of sheaves. But if you go up another level and look at the categories of all sheaves on particular topological spaces, continuous maps correspond to pairs of adjoint functors between these (such that the left adjoint preserves finite limits).

So, people then generalize the notion of a cateogry of sheaves to a Topos, which is a category with blah blah blah properties.

Now people say that the important analogy is that a Topos is like the category of sets – but then when they start talking about geometric morphisms between topoi (that is an adoint pair of functors between topoi with finite limit thing), it was like, for me anyway, “eh?”. I just didn’t see the point. [though I *do* understand that this point of view can be useful, and may talk about it in some other post].

But as soon as the other analogy, that where you think of a topos as a bunch of sheaves on a site, is in mind, everything stays real groovy. It’s, like: “oh, okay; groovy, I know why they’re called geometric now. Fantastic”.

So, to restate again, topologies have continuous maps, individual sheaves do not, but categories of sheaves do, and these are called geometric morphisms; they are left-exact adjunctions, and they kick ass.

Lawvere formulates something rather similar to these in his paper [3], but it’s in a much less technical (if somewhat contrived) setting.

[1] Sheaves in Geometry and Logic : A First Introduction to Topos Theory, by Saunders MacLane and Ieke Moerdijk.

[2] lecture notes on geometric morphisms – J.F. Jardine.

[3] Metric spaces, generalized logic and closed categories – F. W. Lawvere

Pictures of Yoneda are rather
difficult to come by,
hence the symbolic tribute.

Misreadings leading on to Classifying Spaces leading on to Representable functors.

It hapens to me not infrequently, but it happened today that I saw the following image

Cover for the movie "Vodka Lemon"

and read it as “Yoneda Lemma”.

Which, class, leads me smoothly onto my next topic: classifying spaces. [warning: requires topology, and, maybe, some category theory]

A topological space has open sets. Great. But say we are limiting ourselves to looking at continuous maps of topological spaces and not explicity of the open sets that form the topology. How do we talk about open sets then?

Well, there’s a really easy way: You can find it by looking for a classfying space for the open sets.

Basically, a space which classifies open sets in terms of continuous maps is a topological space S such that each open subset of any other topology T is given by a continuous map from T to S.

That is, instead of looking at the open sets of a space, you look at continuous maps from that space to S.

[Why *to* S instead of? Well, because the “open sets” functor is contravariant… (see later) ].

And what is the classifying space for open sets? Why it’s the glorious Sierpinski space, of course! This is a topological space with two points, one open, and one closed. You can verify easily yourself that each continuous map to S picks out one special open set.

So, S is a really handy tool!

Many many other things can be classified; for instance, the set of all vector bundles over a manifold can be given in terms of spaces formed from Stieltjes varieties and Grassmanians; for a covariant example, the set of points of a topological space can be classified in terms of mappings from the one point topological space, and, well, loads of things! Seriously, just try it!

To go through the transitional phase:

The assignment to each space it’s set of open subsets actually constitutes a contravariant functor F from Top to Set.

The classifying space for this functor is the sierpinski space S.

To say that the set of all open sets of a space is the same as the set of continuous maps to S is the same as saying that F(T) is isomorphic to hom(T,S) for all topologies T. (hom(T,S) is the set of all continuous maps from T to S, or, in general, the set of all morphisms). In proper category theory, we require this to be something like a bijective natural transformation between the functor F and the functor hom(-,S).

And for the final phase:
A classifying space for a contravariant set-valued functor F:C->Set, is an object S \in C such that there is an isomorphism from F to hom(-,S).

Even more nicely: A set-valued contravariant functor F is called representable if it is isomorphic to hom(-,S) for some S an object of it’s domain. And S is called the classifying space or representing object of F :)

(if F is covariant, you take hom(S,-) instead).

Now, isn’t *that* nice?

Now I’m in a place to talk about the yoneda embedding. A natural transformation is like a mapping between functors (I was talking about the implicitly when I mentioned isomorphisms in the above definition).

Even when you can’t find a classifying space, you can still go up another level and use the Yoneda Lemma, which says that each open set of a space T, say, is the same as a natural transformation from hom(-,T) to F(T). Or rather more nicely Nat( hom(-,T) , F) is isomorphic to F(T) for all spaces T. Of course, you can go up another level and get rid of a T, talking about an isomorphism between some functor that maps T onto the set Nat( hom(-,T) , F) and the functor F.

If you’re not troubled by vertigo, you can go up another level and get rid of the F (because it holds for all set-valued functors) and talk about a…wait…I’m not going to say it all, you should be able to get the idea, and if you can’t, it probably won’t do you much good for me to say it because I’d be leaving out to many details by that point.

But I will point out a special case of the yoneda lemma, namely the case where F is itself a functor like hom(-,A). This then says that

hom(A,B) is isomorphic to Nat( hom(-,B), hom(-,A) )

This is an even more extreme example of what I was talking about above, wanting to move up a level somehow – in the first case talking about morphisms (continuous maps in my example) instead of elements (open subsets) , and in this case you can stop talking about morphisms and start talking about natural transformations.

So where you can talk about open subsets as morphisms to the classifying space, you can now use Yoneda to talk about them as natural transformations as well :)

[Why does the functor have to be Set-valued? Well, because hom(T,S) is usually a set – except in toposes. But this post is already too long for talking about them. And you can even try to construct classifying spaces for functors from the category of categories, and do stuff like that, I’ve been told. Actually, I’m going to have to take advantage of this parenthetical situation to say that, in a similar vein to the above (but a different direction) you can also view continuous maps between topological spaces as adjoint functors between the categories of sheaves on those spaces. Okay. There. I’ve said it. I actually have another post that I’ve never put on the site written about these that]

Also note that I should have put in a bunch of “naturality conditions” above, but I didn’t, because I’m sloppy that way.

Wow. I don’t know/care about you, but that was certainly good for me to get it off my chest. Hmmm… .

Addendum: I know that Hom is trivially representable in each variable separately, but are there any categories where it is representable as a functor from C*xC->Set ? (this corresponds to there being two objects X and Y such that any morphism f:A->B is (naturally) the same as a pair of morphisms <g :A->X,H:Y->B>, right? ) Doesn’t work for most categories that I’ve tried it for – nor when I use the diagonalized version of it [hom(X,X)].

fecking hell!
I am such a
differential form

Do not attempt to resolve kittens with pasta!

I had a dream last night about triangulated categories. I don’t even really know what triangulated categories are, why are they tormenting me so?! (aside: why is there no acceptable way to combine a question mark with an exclamation mark?)

(Actually, I know the answer perfectly: derived functors have been, like, totally occupying my idle thinking time – I wish someone would just tell me what the fuck’s the story with them so I could get on with ogling hot guys).

For those of us who just like funny pictures a short exact sequence of pasta and kittens, with the inevitable tragic consequences.

Yep. It commutes.

Category theory notes

Okay, if Stephen Walsh can put notes on his website, so can I damnit!

I’m still not even half-finished them, but I thought it no harm to stick them up in their still unfinished state (as of the start of the summer) – nobody ever reads the second half of anything anymore anyway, right? right.

So, yep, here they are:

Constructions in Category Theory Postscript | Acrobat

If you spot any typos, feel free to lynch me or mail me or stuff.


Yeah; I’ve updated way too many times today.

Grothendieck is
the man.

Oh, some (meta-)maths-chitchat.

Woo, I got through my first real almost-modern-day-celebrity proof today (apart from one or two details); it was Grothendieck‘s proof that projective spaces are complete/proper. Admittedly, it’s no proof of a Weil conjecture, but it’s a start. Well, okay, it’s not a start either, but it’s something.

Okay, the proof is a little bit trivial and not too fantastically interesting, but it’s the celebrity connection that’s got me all excited.

Might even try to explain some of the stuff I’m doing here, to try and get it all straight in my head. But there’s also a side of me that’s warning against talking about such elementary maths as I’m interested in here, so…we’ll see… .