Comments on: Striptease let's try something out here... Sat, 19 May 2018 00:07:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ganondox Sun, 15 May 2016 07:54:36 +0000 One interesting thing I noticed is that only two parts of her body aren’t symmetrical: her face, and her vulva. The vulva is more notable because it’s the clothing covering it is always symmetrical, making assembling it a particular challenge on the final level. I guess that must have been intentional, as the vulva’s design in unusual, being a full circle on one half rather than the typical cleft of venus. The design forces you to pay attention to it in the last level, giving a very guilty voyeuristic feel, and you just can’t cover her fast enough. Also all those bruises, they also lack symmetry and you’re forced to consider them.

By: Random Encounters: Striptease | Thu, 13 Aug 2015 21:41:05 +0000 […] hat, werde ich wohl nie erfahren – ebenso wenig, ob der Italiener, der auf Lavelles Homepage den Kommentar „hi, we would like more ladies ;-)“ hinterließ, späterhin seinen Fehler […]

By: Striptease – Donnine nude in pixel art ! (freeware) Mon, 29 Jun 2015 11:10:17 +0000 […] ATTENZIONE: IN QUESTO GIOCO VEDRETE DELLE RAGAZZE NUDE FATTE DI PIXEL ! Quindi a letto i bambini che questo gioco scotta ! Scherzi a parte, le donnine nude ci sono davvero anche se con quello che gira su internet o anche solo in TV non penso proprio sia il caso di nascondere questo giochino ai minorenni, anche perché sembrano disegnate con la grafica del Commodore 64 ;-). In effetti potrebbero far arrapare giusto il PAC-MAN o il Mario dopo aver bevuto… Ma quello che colpisce in Striptease è il gameplay piuttosto originale. Niente di sconvolgente, intendiamoci, però l’utilizzo della componente puzzle in un contesto tipo tetris diverte non poco. In pratica vedremo sulla destra la donnina vestita mentre sulla sinistra ci sarà la stessa scomposta in decine di pezzi tipo puzzle. Il gioco ci indicherà le zone da ricomporre e noi lo potremo fare utilizzando un cursore a due caselle dentro il quale i pezzi potranno scorrere. Ogni volta che riusciremo a posizionare correttamente i pezzi dall’altro lato dello schermo la ragazza lascerà cadere una parte del suo già misero costumino… Peccato che i livelli siano soltanto tre e lo dico con la voce del Mario dopo essersi sbronzato. Un gioco di Stephen Lavelle (Increpare games). Disponibile per Windows e MAC OS 10.5 + (Intel). Sito ufficiale […]

By: stephen lavelle Mon, 25 May 2015 17:10:20 +0000 Hi, thanks for the bug report. Could you elaborate what you means it doesn’t work? Does it display any error messages? Have you tried running it in compatibility mode?

By: Tony Mon, 25 May 2015 16:01:11 +0000 Does not work for my windows 8 machine.

By: Striptease – Donnine nude in pixel art ! (freeware) Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:13:36 +0000 […] Sito ufficiale […]

By: stephen lavelle Mon, 12 May 2014 22:46:43 +0000 Ok, thanks for letting me know. I’m unlikely to fix it any time soon (though if someone else wants to try recompiling+fixing it, be my guest…) – I don’t have a windows box right now.

By: m3nace Sun, 11 May 2014 15:37:51 +0000 I am running windows 7 on both of them, my desktop is an AMD A10 5800 with a AMD 7750 1 GB gpu and 8 GB of ram, my laptop is an Intel core i5 with a nvidia 550m and 8 gb of ram.

By: stephen lavelle Sun, 11 May 2014 08:55:55 +0000 M3NACE, sorry to hear that. It was made with quite an old game engine, and it doesn’t work on the more recent OSX versions, for instance. If you could let me know what operating system you use, that would be useful.

By: m3nace Sun, 11 May 2014 04:28:57 +0000 The game doesn’t work on either of my computers. It crashes on my AMD only rig instantly and on my Intel/nvidia laptop the screen freezes after 3 seconds or so after entering the menu the sound works but the game does not.
