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Hoping I won't have cause for more maintenance messages any time soon...

Moving site

I have moved to a new domain.

redirects are currently in place from my old site address, but they will not last forever. if you have any, you would be advised to update your bookmarks/feeds/&c.

Whole swathes of old stuff is broken as a result. I will either remove or fix such things as time and inclination allow.


  1. ortoslon wrote:

    I tried to resubscribe to your games feed, but Google Reader says “The feed being requested cannot be found.”

    Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 1:24 pm | Permalink
  2. Yeah; something weird happening with it and google reader. It’s working with an rss reader I just downloaded there. Hopefully it’ll fix itself or I’ll fix it later on today …

    Edit: seems ’tis working now.

    Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 2:20 pm | Permalink