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Yep. I don't like tooo much the direction I took that particular theme. Not as fun as people might expect. That makes it challenging then, right?

Some new pieces :D

So I’ve made some computer-rendered versions of these piano pieces what I’ve put up. You can check out the compositions page to listen to hear computer interpretations of the pieces I’ve already put up. This means that people can at least get an idea of what they should sound like. I hope nobody is toooo offended by it all.

But. I have three whole new fugues to add here. Now isn’t *that* something.

The first piece is a syncopated fugue I’m rather fond of, though it is a bit brief.

Syncopated Fugue ( ps | pdf | mp3 )

Secondly is a Fugue-version of a canon I did in the octave a while back. I’m not really too fond of it, truth be told. Saying that, I don’t think it’s the worst thing it the *whole* world.

Fugue on Canon Theme ( ps | pdf | mp3 )

Oh, and finally, a bit of fun. Yep.

Fugue on Pinky and the Brain Theme ( ps | pdf | mp3 )