Comments on: How to use Blender’s cartoon renderer let's try something out here... Sat, 19 May 2018 00:07:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Icecube Wed, 19 Sep 2007 15:26:35 +0000 Hah yeah; this is much older than the date at the top of the page makes out; I can barely remember how to use blender now :( No doubt there have been major interface revamps and, possibly, the good-ol’ render daemon has been pushed to the background.

I see what you’re saying about doing things with the wireframe; that was never a goal for my ends as it happened.

By: Hannes Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:54:16 +0000 Hey! good tutorial, i get some cool looking results. Please do create more tutorials, but be more descriptive (ex. i couldn’t find the “Render Daemon” but everything still worked)

By: Felix Kütt Tue, 30 Jan 2007 01:35:20 +0000 @ Filip, this tutorial is an oldie i belive, by the looks of blender at least.. oh the good old gui.. :/

By: Filip Sat, 19 Aug 2006 18:06:41 +0000 Hi. Nice tutorial. Something different than oridinal toon shading but have some drawbacks.This method don’t produce shades. Personally . I use toon shader and a trick . I duplicate mesh scale it a little bit change material to single user ant check wire in links and pipeline by this method I have shades and wire which color can be easily controllable. I will send you a blend file
