(1998-April 2004)
Archive of updates of an older version of my webpage (with a lot of bits lost or missing)
- great! the scholarship results are out today; wee free-range scholars are to be seen frolicing all around the place in their newly acquired robes. (thankfully noone who didn’t get it was too pissed off that they didn’t).
- Hmmm I added something new to the site … I’ll leave it to you to find yourselves … I was really stumped for where to put it (I could have just stuck it in the maths section like everything else i guessbut I said to myself “Stephen, this is not mathematical except in it’s practicality, stick it in with what it relates to”. . So I did.).
- Cool scary story: (scary in that it’s actually true) You know those odd baby kissing days that politicians are oft found to be spending their days standing around outside supermarkets holding a bucket of election badges with a big smill slapped on to their faces). Well, there once was such an event out my end of the country. Only this time the politician happened to have a cold-sore. Anyway, a few days later, didn’t one of the poor babbies start getting a big red blister on his head, a big festering case of herpes. It swelled right up, and the infection went down through his little skull into his brain and he died a rather horrible death. So young mothers, keep that in mind before you let some pervy old man snog your wee babby.
- funny quote of the moment: “no she’s not a mathematician, she’s a young lady”
- haha brilliant! At last count (that is, this morning), there are at least four infinitesimal theories of numbers (or rather theories of infinitesimal numbers), non-standard, categorical, noncommutative geometrical, string-theoretical (topological geometrodynamics), can’t leave out the epsilon-delta stuff i guess, then there’s the computational branch which is of itself becoming fairly independant (beam theory i think it’s related to). So that’s 6 then, not four. Without a doubt, the nonstandard model is the most powerful from my experience (though i don’t know anything about the TGD one) and is the simplest extension of the reals, though smooth infintiesimals seem to be much easier to explain ala Bell :) … dunno, better learn about them all before i make any big judgements. And I havn’t even taken into account theories of cardinals and ordinals because though they’re undeniably big, they’re not numbers (and, as Prof. West said, not Cardinals either).
- arg study study study study.
- Wow i just realised that someone tried to do something like a DOS attack on my site on april the 26th hmmm … surely you can’t hate my woodchuck page *that* much can you?
- An insight of schizophrenia here.
- Oh wait, i’ve just realised that perhaps the best way to communicate philosophies is not by using words at all. I guess the zen crowd are right after all … one must figure out these things for one’s self :)
- I really should allow people to comment on individual entries in the history shouldn’t i? *ponders*
I have on many, many occasions found myself struck by a lot of the truths expressed in satanist philosophies. The problem with them, obviously, is that they are *not* the fundamental truths of Satanism, Satanism is in its self an antagonistic religion, and it’s modern formulation was created with it’s dodgy (to say the least) connotations in mind. So it is not to be trusted really. Similar things could be said about most religions i think, though they to me completely obfuscate the important bits with sillynesses.
There is a necessity in spiritual beliefs, I think, to strive for economy of expression with minimal analogies and metaphores (it’s ok to play with them, but only once the underlying structure has been very clearly established).
A very sensible site I came across today was http://virus.lucifer.com . It was very sensible in many respects, but, once again, has far too many dodgy connections.
One has to strive for a sort of purity of structure when one is defining a system of beliefs (given that most people seem to have the same sense of reason, it is more like trying to model rationality; ironically enough this seems to be rather a hard task *heh*), let the gargoyle embellished chapels come later. That’s my rant on belief systems.
It has struck me that there are two very definitely different types of philosophies … or rather that one particular philosophy has something that distinguishes itself from the others.
There is in a lot of philosophy the “ideal model”, such that, if everybody thought in this way, everyone would have a sort of absolute view on everything, and no conflict would occur because you would have exactly the same opinions as everyone else, so there would always be one ideal decision, and there would be no other choice within that ethical system (oops, i mean ethics, not philosophy, but there pretty much the same thing ;) ). But then one encounters other ethics, whereby conflict is quite often part of the philosophy and quite inevitable. Such things can come up in warrior codes (bushido etc).
Now you might say “how could anyone live by such a horrible code!”. My response would be “it’s only horrible from our point of view, it’s all perfectly honourable to them” ;) .
- hmmm…i’m bored … had fun at the fireworks at sandymount strand on friday night, there weren’t that many people there so it was pretty pleasant.
- I’ve decided for the first time probably since i started college to use ViM. It’s actually not half as bad as i remember it being :) Quite the opposite really, it’s something more solid than most other editors i’ve used … .
- I have a feeling that i’m still expressing myself a little bit much in this silly little section of my site. I guess i shouldn’t put things up that I’m not comfortable with *everyone* hearing :/ silly silly stephen …
- I have no idea what i wrote the line below here, it just seemed to be the start of the word at the start of a sentence, probably hanged or … no … probably hanged as in “hanged around X all day doing nothing” or some such thin (I am never sure)well, i guess we’ll never know.
- hange
- I am coming up to exams now soon. You know what that means? that means that i’m going to be able to get around to adding some content to the site after :) !
- I have changed my window manager one time (for the last time i think). I am now a proud convert to RATPOISON, by far the best window manager i’ve ever come across! try it out if you get a chance!
- Wahay I got a job for the summer! And it’s an interesting completely useful job that I want to do!!!!
- what is it that makes categories so bloody hard when they’re very clearly one of the most straightforeward mathematical structures one can come up with … grrr
- there are so many different structures for love … some far more beautiful in their ideals than others … alas practicalities must prevail, emotional as well as all the others :/
“he is meek and he is mild
he became a little child”I can’t tell why, but i really like that rhyme from SoI&A …
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA!!!!! I’m such a dopey fuck
- Years ago, when I was a perfect little boy, I was a factor of my younger sister (she was between primes at this stage you see). Actually, she was not in such a position again until i was the age that she was. Back when i was in a prime of my youth, my older sister (not yet a woman, so to speak) was square.
- Lost in translation is such a good film!
- Haha! i got given a flower yesterday…it kicks ass…here’s some scans of it : [ 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 ]
wow .. attractive people kick ass [
do not think me shallow unless you are equipped to enjoy the wonderful ironies you are creating] - right, well that background was annoying … i’m going back to plain black [white actually]
- second screenshot of my desktop (with animated background) .. here
- wahay! i got fluxbox running on unix [for all the good it did me. just like all the others but without a few annoying bits]
- i finally got AIM working on the maths computers … my username is alldiscontinuous if anyone cares :)
- I am acutely aware of the fact that while i have been adding lots of trivial stuff to my updates history, i havn’t actually updated the site in some time. I have exams you see, and study, and a wonderful word of creativity to explore. this site comes last on that list.
- Oh yeah just to elaborate on the odd emmigration message, it’s an encodeded massage, i have no feeling on emmigration issues except that i don’t have any feelings on them.
- vinculumvinculumvinculumvinculumvinculum!!!!!
- damn each relationship not allowed mature, internet life is kind except…you omit usually… a …lot of trepidation … .
- Stupid internet is brilliant for getting to know people but alas useless for making friends…friendships can only be made in person alas…
wow i had a really scary nightmare a few night ago … some of the maths dept lecturers were sat around in a semicircle, but one seat was empty.
Then, one of the lecturers walks in, … his face seemed … empty (hard do describe), and he had something i can only describe as a wirey hand-brace … he seemed sort of soulless.
Anyway, he sat down in the empty seat, then looked at me, he put his hands out towards me, and i ran away out the door then flew up to the ceiling (this is a dream remember)…he walked slowly after me with his arms outstretched, … even up as high as the ceiling i was still within his grasp.
“I am going to eat you now” he said and then he caught my leg and took a bite out of it.
Then i woke up…I was so bloody scared that i couldn’t even bring myself to look around in my bed lest there be a zombie mathematician there about to eat my brains. it wasn’t funny, it was really scary!
- wahay! guess who got best small society of the year? mathsoc did, that’s right *glee*
- Just realised how more mathematically mature i am now than i was last year over the weekend, realised how I naturally thought of harmonic theory in terms of equivalence classes of frequencies. was fun :)
- ties are so much fun! i’ve gotten through 30 of the 85 knots from “the 85 ways to tie a tie” :)
- though i would like it remembered that i feck with my desktop almost as much as i feck with my website…but i quite like how it is at the moment …*ponders*…or do i ….
- i would actually be really grateful if anyone could help me with out to place windows from the command prompt so that they’ll all have a nice default placement (they do at the moment, but shortly they won’t i think when i add more stuff to my desktop)
- i’ve put a screenshot of my desktop here for anyone who wants to see it (note the cool program running on the bottom left :) )
- hmm…i’m rather chuffed with myself … :) though i know i’m going to have a big boring spot in the middle of my updates history in years to come i want ye to know that it’s with good reason i’ve lost all my sleep over developing this tool :)
- C1 … i’m so very sorry … what i ever do to make you pull back some of our feelings for eachother? i’ll do anything, i’ll integrate anything for you C1 … just please *sob* … please … take me back :(
- I know i’m being unreasonable C1, i know you can never be more than once differentiable in the general case … but goddamnit i just wish you’d be more considerate!
- oh i’m sorry C1 .. i didn’t mean it like that , i was just angry…i know you can be beautiful, it’s just that SOMETIMES I WANT TO DIFFERENTIATE TWICE…that’s the least you could do for me C1….
- last chance bloggin program, this is your last chance, if you don’t disply this i’ll wring yer guts and will forever abandon stupid fecking pascal strings and GTK stupid fecking windows forever, you hear that GTK I hate you!!!! I hate you more than i hatestupid fucking c1 functions
- grrrrrrr evil program evil evil thing i’m just entering this to see if i’ve gotten the last bug i’m willing to try and fix (i can make do with it as it is now for the time being) … *Grrr* stupid stupid tjomgs, or things even…*grrrr* i’m going to go mad
oops i just realised that i didn’t explain what this is that’s made my update history (aka ranty stuff) so dodgy…
*takes deep breath* i thought that it would be really cool if i could have a program that would run all the time that would be a text box type thing that, whenever i entered anything into it, it would add it to the section of the web-site that you’re looking at now. so i made it, and it took AGES to figure out a:how to do the file handling stuff (rather complicated in pascal, but turned out to be trivial using shell commands), and b: learn how to do linux gui stuff. so i did, and now i have a little window on the bottom left of my desktop that i can enter stuff into and press enter and have it appear instantly on my web-site *glee*
- happytreefriends.com is such a good site it’s really fun go there for the nicest most adorableness in the world ever to be seen up to now.
- *sigh* … it’s far too late…i’m so tired
- hmmm…talking about books is fun :) (so long as the person agrees with you)
- oh shit it just deleted my entire update history..
- wahay! my bloggy program seems to work! :)
- *grrrr* program still acting the amadan
- happy flowers !
- wow! it works it works and nothing was corrupted… *joy*
- pleaseworkpleaseworkpleasework!
- Guess i was right then (was complaining that the new program i was using for updating the web-site was untrustworthy seeming :)
- Hmm…just trying to make a program at the moment to help me update this site automatically.
- *heheheheh* musicmusicmusicmusicmusic :) (and euler, euler kicked ass :) )
- wow music theory is even better than i thought … turns out “topos of music” isn’t all stupidness after all :)
- guys kissing gallery
- *ponders*…*heheh*…music theory is fun fun fun!
- Yes, my moods have rather a lively flux, but goddamnit music theory is like big sunflowers on a nice day to the beach :)
- I’m soooooo happy! I found a proper paper on scale tempering published within the last ten years :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Here’s a little personal spiel about me and the omnipresent lgbt world.
There was a big lgb thing in rainbow week over UCD, where they stuck up fliers everywhere, mostly of guys kissing guys etc., and some other rather light material, with stupid phrases on them, but all in good spirit. It was to be met with comments like “it is one thing to be deviant. Yet it is quite another to try to convince people that it is ok. ” and “I have no problem with gays just keep it in the bedroom.” from members of staff, as well as of course the usuall thing of people ripping them all down (of course people are allowed to do this if they call it sexual harassment…which is reasonable i guess…but i doubt that is the reason why they were ripped down).
I will not stand by the scene, but i will not stand for such fuckheadedness it annoys me more than so many other things (i very rarely emphesise as much as i am now i’m really angry)… they simply do not understand …
now i under
stand, i mean i have to understand, but i understand,but all of the fucking stupid ignorant wankers who see fit to judge affection and still stand beside ideals of love etc. … there is no word that can express my contempt for such people…no word at all (possibly they annoy me more than Hardy-type-mathematicians)…I have had some mildly depressing experiences when doing things for the lgbt soc … fundraising was about 30% pretty uncomfortable, I got so many dirty looks … it’s very strange to be so looked down upon for something as silly as being involved with a society, but that’s what people do…they don’t just think, “I don’t really like the idea of your society”, they think “I don’t really like the idea of you, you disguist me”..and I’m not able to deal with that sort of attitude…it was only glances and dismissals…but they really got me down.
Another time (slightly more amusing) was at fresher’s week…i had a middle-aged man come up the the physics society stand (which was besidethe LGBT one that I was filling in on for half an hour), … now the people that were on that stand were busy talking to other people, so i started talking to him about the physics society and what they do…he didn’t listen to a word i said, he just started saying “I have a wife, no thanks”, and I was cracking some joke about heisenberg when he ran off pretty quickly pointing at his wedding ring saying “no thanks”….
*sigh* … these things make you loose all faith in humanity … i know such opinions are just one aspect of a person, and that in that society when relating to people you are soley acting on behalf of that part…but … lord it’s soul-destroying.
Though these things won’t push me quite enough to make a “gay” out of myself ever, I sure as hell amn’t going to stand around and let people thing of me that way if they happen across me acting in a homosexual capacity (though i don’t, but if i ever do, I don’t want people suddenly thinking me dirt, and forgetting that i am actually rather a normal person. Of course, i’m never going to put my year’s extensive involvement with that society into my cv(for sensible reasons), nor am i ever probably going to try to mix the friends i did acquire (and i did acquire some dear friends) there with my normal ones, …
- Byron kicks ass *heh* (started reading don juan last night … it’s rather the funniest thing i’ve read in ages)
- *heheh* i found my old sonic the hedgehog tie when i was back at home *heheheh*
- I was here and though the sex donation option a good novelty, so i nicked it :) .. also, it’s a cool site in many ways…thought not that cool.
- Damn stupid conflicting philosophies … perhaps it’s because i take other peoples disinterests to heart so much (damn attention freak; nobody listened to me as a child you see :) )
- Music is one of the strangest areas … it’s theoretical essence, while being based on mathematical backgrounds, degenerates completely when put in a standard framework (because it involves, amongst other assumptions, that assertion that 219=312 (or if not that then you have to get fuzzy, and that’s not desirable and causes the system to be just as degenerate), .. it’s really interesting though … .
- Argh…so busy so busy…AND I LOST AN HOUR!!!! [silly summer time change]
- Hmmm….string theory isn’t so bad i guess…*humph*
- does everyone round now always migrate? it’s senseless. could use the earnings…
- I think i found a word for me. fatuous. that’s me :)
- Wahay! I have tea-lady duty tomorrow, I will be for two hours trusted with rehydrating some of the world’s top theoretical physicists :)
- Jaysis! just found an update history from my old site and stuck it to the bottom of this one…god i was so bloody boring… *sigh*
- Oh, that thing about the dwarves, … they’re still out to get me, oscillating about the place. oops…nobody will get these references except for one person, and he’s never seen this site … ah well…sufficient to say that those dwarves are bringers of a problem more terrible than one would initially imagine (i know, i’m making a mountain out of a mole-hill, but it’s damned annoying!)
- Saw *that* film with the jesus & whatnots, was fairly boring, but had goodish music i guess, which partially redeems it …
- Oh, i just realised how terrible the last post must have sounded. I meant in it a really good way…none of this derivative crap,…, how should i rephrase it, .. ah yes, it inspires me to mythologise some of old irish history … of course i’ll probably never get around to writing a decent sized poem, but at least i was inspired to :)
- I like blake, i like blake a lot … i’m fully intended to do something like his french revolution if i ever get a chance, that’s such a cool poem!
- whohoo i fixed the duality processer .. it was acting up and producing more disturbing stories than usual because it didn’t change genders at the beginning or at the end of lines *heh*
- Stuck back up the duality thing when i realised it was missing.
- Wow, if found digamma. What a fucking anticlimax. Excuse the bad language, the professionals are still getting to me… .
- Lord I could murder a … wait … better not mention any professions, lets just say that some professions seem to be incredibly lazy and fucking unhelpful.
- Aech! Had dodgy pub going last night … played number games for most of it… .
- Parade was pretty crap. “Hey look! Flabby sea girls!” .. *gets dirty look from friend* … “Oh wait, they’re not all flabby … and they’re not all girls …”
- Happy st paddy’s day everyone .. damn stupid parade …
A friend of mine has an interesting phone number. It starts with 085, and the remaining seven digits are rather interesting.
The sum of the first two digits is equal to the sum of the last two digits. The sum of the second and third digits is congruent to the sum of the second last and third last digit which is congruent to the first digit.
Also, the third digit added to the fourth digit gives the fifth digit. The second digit added to the second last digit is congruent to the third digit added to the third last digit. The middle digit is square, and no three digits are the same.
Oh, congruences are all mod 10. Be sure to give him a call if you get it out.
- *thinks hard* … damnit I miss all those anecdotes that i used to have up about people that could be potentially very offensive if they saw them … stupid consideration!
- 162*2=244 little circular holes on the mathsoc computer :)
- Nobody’s visiting my site anymorer *sulk* … well, guess no point sulking about it … *sulk*
Three Fishes
There once were fishes three in count
who black and white were spott’d
one had a mingled red-green eye,
the other blue had wanted,but had received a shallow hue
of turquoise-yellow tint
and a sea green ring around
like sun-dried peppermint.And of the third it had no face
but ‘stead a mask of horror
of bony spikes and sheathed pikes
and ivory-scale’d collar. - Wahay! I did something today … alas it’s just brought round to me the fact that I havn’t done a single thing in over 2 months … *heh*
We will not let reason succumb
We are the equilibrium. - hehe my shorthand knowledge is increasing … I will soon have notes that will be completely illegible to anyone but me and the minority of people who know my bastardised shorthand!
Music is but mathematics
Spheres but unit distances
Space is but the world of graphics
And magical
substicences. -
Yeah all of these have been nicked from elsewhere btw
[removed, because using otherpeople’s copyrighted material sucks, no matter how cute it is]
- Ack!I just realised that my webpage doesn’t work on windows computers very reliably *EEK!*
- Blackboard practicals *heh* … *heheh* (met a guy from my secondary school who’s doing teacher-training now) … *heh*
- Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? He wanted to transcend dental medication.
- there was the person who sent ten different puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
- *boink boink*
- Wahay! i changed the musings section back to a literary section and added a few poems by ireland’s greatest mathematician/physicist W.R. Hamilton, and also put back up the complete works of emily dickinson :)
- Stupid gamers … *heh* … ah well i guess i deserved their annoyance …
- *waves at nik!*
- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah! I got 7/100 in the intervarsity selection tests i’m so proud!!! Well…actally i’m rather ashamed and annoyed. but all the same, i’m so proud!!!
- A background for those who want to stand out (and a counter to the britney spears guide to semiconductor physics ones that are flying around).
- Aaarrrrrggghhh!!!! The dwarves!!!!! The dwarves!!!!!!!
- Banach’s theorem is so wonderful, can be used to prove so much stuff, a true classic (i will recite the proof to my grandchildren in my old age) :)
Topology is fun
Far more useful than it has any right to be… .
I have to say this, because unless i do they’ll keep on streaming in – but I am a stupid stupid self-obsessed guy with no taste in anything with nothing useful to say who pollutes the internet with his stupid ideas. There ya go.
Though i’m sure ye will anyway, just to piss me off.
- So, before any of you plan to put nastily thought out things in my guest book, make sure you’re not repeating what i’ve said here (all the same i couldn’t bring myself to delete any of the posts because they’re so cute :) ).
- I think it was Planck who once said “Beware of a smiling woman”.
- Stuck together a quick proof of the fundamental theorem of calculus and stuck it on the site. I don’t think i left anything out of it, but if you find i did then send me a mail.
- I feel like shite.
- Lord, i’m bored. Can’t think of any maths i want to do…
- Was trying to explain commutativity of multiplication today “If you have three women, each with two nipples, you have a total of six nipples. However, if you alternatively have two women, each with three nipples…” *heh*
- Bloody creationists! Oh, in case one of my creationist friends is reading this, i don’t mean any offence, i’ve just had some annoying experiences with militant creationists :(
- Bloody creationists! Why can’t people stop fucking clutching at ancient straws and just swallow their pride and use ideas that work in place of old ones that don’t give any answers!
- Got “the remains of tom lehrer” today, three cds. It’s rather funny :)
- A stupid message i sent to myself last night. Ah well, just for the record i’ll stick it up in the maths section.
- *ponders* hmm…ok that’s me done with counting – was fun but i have more interesting work to do…well…i have really! … oh right then i don’t…but … ah! … *sigh* … I’m off to do some categories.
- I was walking down past the arts block today, and the 66 came into my mind (66 slopey glass pieces) – and then i remembered that i had eaten out for breakfast, and there was a little flower in a jug on my table with 66 petals :) )
- At the corner of georges st. and exchequer street, start at the black ballard (or whatever, the black metal poley thing sticking out of the ground), then start following them. There’s a delightful sporting hall opposite the the ballard that would be counted as the fifth power of two…
- I’m leaving the maths department out to westland row, i turn left around the corner – walk down the road for a bit – when you’re around opposite that building with the cool painted boards on front, there should be the beginnings of a railing to your left. If you count all the spikey tops on the railing from beginning to end, and then continue on to count the line of black ballards thereafter, the sum of the digits of the former is equal to the product of the digits of the later.
- 69 doors in the maths department (i may have forgotten one though…). Oops wait there are 70. I’m excluding all those half-size-being-john-malkavich-type doors btw.
- 43 plates in the left area of Mahaffey’s.
- Was at dinner at a friends house today, hadn’t seen him in *ages*, were eating on lovely white plates the borders of which were adorned with flowers of green stems/shutes (169 of them) and blue petals (36 of them). Ate pizza. was great fun.
- And in my apartment, it seems that the general number of little metal wires in the reinforced glass is 88 (summing horizontal to vertical).
- The arts block has 66 slopey pieces of glass on the front part of the arts block, 38 panes of glass on the front of the civil engineering building (two skylights each with two panes, one skylight with one pane, a lightbox with three panes above the main door, and 14 windows each with two panes, seven either side of the door). There are also 2769 panes of glass along the outside of the book of kells building.
- Clifford multivectors are fun fun fun!
- I was told that this might be of a laugh to put up, so i will stick up what i can remember (it was a week ago) In the Brog in cork (nice pub), there are 21 disco balls above the left bar, and 21 grooves in the wall to the right of the doorway to the stairs to the toilets from the room above the big “swish” around eye level to below the wood beam just a few inches above. (on that night there were also 21 visible stripes on a girls scarf that was hanging beneath a coat (no more were visable from any angle), twenty one glasses on the counter stretching from the left of the aformentioned doorway to the foreward-right corner of the bar, and if one drew a perfect line from the corner by the doorway to the left corner of the entrance to the main part of the bar at 12.15 on the saturday i was there, there would be exactly twenty one people to the left of it (i actually didn’t have to wait at all). there were a lot more twentyones than that, but it’s been a week and i can’t remember).
- There are 92 panes of glass on the front facade of dunnes stores in cork, 318 panes of glass on the front facade of brown thomas there, 36 panes on the whole of the corner of merx fashions on the corner of church’s street (i think. there are incidentally 36 main pillar segments constituting the front pillars of the four-courts (incidentally, there are 112 cast-iron spikes on the railings and gates on front of the four-courts)). There are 40 panes of glass on the building with game in it, and 41 panes of glass on paddy powers on…castle street i think i can’t remember (some small street anyway)).
- There are 462 dimples on each of the two speakers in the mathsoc room (in total 478 disjoint concave bits (ie. there would i think be 478 disjoint sets if you removed each speaker from it’s convex hull), of course 146 of these dimples don’t actually do anything (i.e. are just small hollows), so there are 478-146=332 useful dimples in each (both speakers are accurately positioned so there are the same in both), and 104 buttons on this here keyboard (103 which do things (stupid redundant scroll-lock things), but one with a dual function (print scrn/sysrq), so they cancel out i think ;) )
Came across an infuriating definition today at rhymezon
e.com!The definition of “mason’s level” is “a level longer than a carpenter’s level”. Now, this is wonderful consistant if one is a carpenter. however, it would well explain the mistrust mason’s have for carpenters. Because “a level” for masons is defined as “a level longer than a carpenter’s level”, so we have that a mason’s level is “a level longer than a level longer than a carpenter’s level”, and so on ad infinitum – which would lead imply for mason’s anyway that carpenters have indeed mastered the infinitesimal calculus.
- I wish that i had someone to talk to. There is no isolation like the isolation of those in alien company. I mean, i can take solitude, solitude is the greatest form of being. But isolation is not fun.
- I have had something of a change of mode of existence over the past week.(a rather fundamental shift. i fully consider myself a new person now).
- Changed the name of the site (alas, not the address i’m stuck with that for now). Oops…title was too long…have to think of a shorter one … forget that idea then *hmph!* .. better change it back then *sigh*
“made to measure“
- Uploaded the toilet paper thing :)
- Decided to do a bit of applied stats last night, and spent a lot of time measuring the dimensions of pieces of toilet roll to see if the length and width specified on the packaging was actually what we were getting. Came up with some rather interesting results :)
- Hah! and they said i would never do it! Added another thing to the maths section, complete with a nice pair of inconsistant results (orrather one logical result, and one bad approximation), see road-crossing theory in the maths section.
the below address is just to remind me of where i’m planning to go on holidays if i get things together:
http://www.mat.ua.pt/eventos/nsmath2004/default1.html - wohoo added the nice maths probs to the right :)
A recently rediscovered emily dickinson poem (or is it a rather-tongue in cheek rhyme by me? that is the mystery)
Faith is like a condom
That fits not tight but soft,
That can be worn without a fear
Of ever tearing offIt protects you from a consequence
you fear might cause you strife,
but if you can just cast it off
you will receive – true life - hah! icecube’s keep? it’s BACK ISN’T IT BRILLIANT!!???!?!?!??!??!?!?(of course not don’t be foolish it’s really quite feeble, and a premade layout!!!, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING OF STEPHEN)
- Below are some updates from a (very) old copy of my web page.
- Darn left a type in the Jenga thing, had one factor of the final formula upside-down … oops :) Well it’s fixed now
- Will somebody please remind me why i don’t like Beethoven? I was at a piano recital, and the a woman with a mighty wierd voice played the Waldstein … it was great :) … damnit she also played a long awful modern piece at the end, and all through it, i just had to keep on saying to myself “think of the Beethoven Stephen, think of the Beethoven…” – it was all i could do to keep myself from feeling quite ill *heh*
- Spent all day yesterday trying to do something mathematical with the ultra-cool game Jenga, stuck up my results today :)
what people have to say about my web-page:
A rather silly webpage from someone who needs to stop thinking about sex so much and just go out and get some tail.
Why geeks and sex don’t mix
This guy is definatly on some kind of drug….
yet another reason why math continues to scare me.
Pervy and geeky! - I’d kill for a bit of romance (yes, this is a message of desperation)
- Wow, i love NTK, ye’re all totally cool!
- yay i finally managed to put the tale of icecube’s keep into verse form! (I have a thing about the spenserian stanza)
- I saw the strangest thing yesterday as i was walking towards the DART station; overhead flew a flock of wild winged wine-bottles. I kid you not. They made quacking noises so i guess that they might have been a flock of ducks in hindsight; but i had a better view of them back then than i do now so i better put more trust in my first-hand judgements.
- It seems that i’ve undergone a change in direction in my mind….thing arn’t in the same order as they used to be, likes, dislikes, prefferences…they’ve all changed over the weekend…i put up a short diary-entry type piece based on my nocturnal escapades, called “Nocturne”…it’s as deeply personal as you can get…it was my intention to keep this page impersonal, but…but this is how i feel it must be…i have a feeling that the whole style and content of this page will slowly shift to something else…though i can’t say what.
Aww how cute is this:
- I can already feel myself regretting it, but i did it, i put up some of my poems *cringe* in the articles section….i’m also planning on changing the underlying theme of the site…though i’m not quite certain yet.
- I got rid of the submission form *yay!*, cos it was tiny and didnt’ work.
- ok i know that a lot of my things are riddled with spelling errors, but i’m re-writing them as we speak
- I’ve added two documents just over the last two days, one significant, one not really.
- I’ve finally SOLVED THE GRATING PROBLEM!!! it’s on the articles page, and i’ve put up my solution of the age old answer to the question “does running through the rain offer offer any benefits, or do you just end up getting wetter?” in the same articles section….i might have to start subcategorising now….goddamn maths for having so many interesting little problems for me to waste my time on….
- I realised that my old web-site address was still getting more hits than my new one so this one now comes up whenever you go to my old one :)
- I added a physical inspection of part of the muslim prayer ritual. (It uses vectors :) )
- Right sound i’ve added a big thing that’s been annoying me for a long while and i just wanted to be done with it, so i’ve done up an article on SP-categorisation in n<4 body systems for anyone who cares.
- Ok i’ve added in the main body of the triangular number stuff, along with the polygonal stuff, though i have one important theorem to add (whose existance is hinted at, but has yet to be explicitly confirmed) which will show just how pointless the whole system is (though i havn’t thought enough about it yet, i think it also applies to other regular polygons :( ).
- Damnit, i told a really funny joke about logs yesterday, then i ment to say “that’s one of my favourite maths jokes” but i accidentally said “that’s one of my favourite log jokes”, then mike gave me a funny look but then i copped on and giggled at how utterly geeky i would be if i actually had a bunch of log jokes so that i could prefer one over the other. Then, just at that very moment another(not so funny) log joke came to my mind … *heh*
- Ok i have a few seriously cool things to add to this site now (well, cool if you like maths), will get scanning later on today (damn computers don’t like my notations :) )and will put them up :)
- I added a little problem on bus waiting times…
- Wahey! i’ve finally given the site a face-life thanx to the scanners i managed to find round the campus…i’ve rearranged some pages (relegated the cinema page to a link from the articles section cos it wasn’t that good.), and fixed quite a few wierd things that were lurking about :)
Ow my neck’s so sore after the 16 hour trip back from cairo – add on to that a day of prancing around the capital of egypt before the journey back and a night of vomit induced sleeplessness after and i trust you can grasp the enormity of my fatigue. i’m on the road to health again
now; the only symptom of the flight back that i bear is in the tension in my neck – it feels like a piano tuner got his ratchet out and tightened all the tendons at the back of my neck…not unpleasant really but annoying nontheless.and another(much shorter and simpler:) ) one on an interesting occurrence of the golden ratio that i thought about a few weeks back (i might have to give maths it’s own heading in the articles section now :) ) - yay! i’ve uploaded a maths project i was working on at the start of the summer to my articles page, called “circular numbers”, nothing much to do with circles necessarily, but they’re nice for visualisation i think. :) I plan to upload some of my other maths projects when i have time to stick them in (i just use word and the equation editor and convert, so it’s really ugly and doesn’t display perfectly on all browsers :( (though i can’t wait until people start supporting the math markup language :))
- [below here is an update history from very old versions of my website, i lost a very sizeable portion of stuff that would fill the gap between these two, but what harm. also i got rid of the broken links and some pics … also i’m very boring from here down. just to warn you. I have added in a few comments in square brackets]
- I’ve integrated the Articles page with the Tutorials page, so I won’t have to use that stupid note graphic for the score page anymore : )
- Almost at 4000 hits!!!! Thanks to everyone who has visited the site!
- I’m really going to have to redo my CV page soon, as I’ve lost the flash source and can’t change it at all. it’s such a pity though, because it looks sooo nice : (
- Cool! Another Update (again)
- I’ve added a music theory tutorial to my tutorials section (in 250 easy steps!). It’s designed to be simple, but if anyone finds it complicated, just mail me and I’ll try to help!
- In case you havn’t realised it yet, i never keep my promises relating to this web-page.
- The thing is that my interests change almost daily, and this is MY web-page so I only add stuff that links up with what I’m interested in (at the moment, music theory), so if you want me to do something else, you’ll just have to wait ’till I get back into a more suitable phase.
- Cr�och
- CTYI is now over, and I am more sorrowful than I have ever been. It was the best moment of my life, and I will never get to do it again…I think that everyone else who went on it feels the same.
- SLCI IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD FROM THE FILES SECTION! [SLCI was a terrible monster that lurked beneath the caverns of the oracle but instead of arms it had seven thousand worms, an MDI interface, and a really rather advanced polygon manipulation tool. it was pretty damned ferocious :) ]
- Below is a pic of my CTYI lecturer, jon (which he would more than likely like to forget : ) ) [pic removed, because i don’t think it’s worth immortalising jons scalp]
- It has been brought to my attention that the first of the movies in my cinema may have a buggy script and this could cause it to exit as soon as it starts. Tough. Find a way around it yourself. Dell stole my source.
- I’ve just added some of my java applets to the files section (because I can’t think of anywhere else to put them). [yeah, i used to have a files section…my how i’ve moved on…i think that i have all the old zip files lying around somewhere…might dig them up some time if i’m feeling nostalgic]
- I’ve added a LOT to the Internet Messaging tutorial, so that it now covers all of IRC. More will follow.
- I’ve just added the basic body of a document which will, given time, become a CTYI project on internet messaging programs (and the mechanics thereof). It can be found on the tutorials section, because it doesn’t sit well with the style of the stuff on the articles on the articles page. [yeah, i never finished this *heh*]
- Ohh, a big thanks to my CTYI lecturer for helping me out with the “generic class” problem I was experiencing. [bloody generic classes tormented me for ages…because i could never find out what the feck they were!]
- I’ve just noticed that the majority of you people coming to this site are looking for fruity loops stuff. Don’t expect to find anything for a few days while i whip something up.[yeah, google was as bad back then as it is now (though it was ok for a bit in between]
- I guess that this counts as another update
- I’m messing around with linux at the moment, so forgive the absense of updatednes on the site(i’ll have the mesh-editing tutorial finished soon).
- I’m looking for someone to host my files section (it’s less than 5MB)
- I hate DELL (PC company that change hard-disks when you report a faulty keyboard (no joke)).
- another update
- NOBODY HAS SENT ME DELPHI 5/6 YET!!! [yeah i was a turd. but somebody did in the end :D ]
- I’m sick of being subtle
- ADDED A NEW TUTORIAL (general programming theory on the basics of interface design and MDI programs. can be read by anyone)! [I don’t know if anyone has ever gone to it of their own free will other than being blasted there by google]
- I would like to make something quite clear. At the moment, I am going through a programming phase. Therefore, it is unlikely that I will
- be doing any stuff on Blender for a while (but that could change at any moment). So what AM I into? Parsing, DLLs, assembly language and generally anything to do with programming. [yeah i don’t think i added a single thing on blender after this]
- Also, I really hope that you like the nav bar at the top! I made it with Blender and PSP, and I think that it’s much better than any of the old ones : ) [that was rather a cute nav bar, very wiggley :) ]
- We update
- ey’m goyn crazy at the moment because my ceyboard has stopped worcyn properly! That’s why ey’ll not able to go on-lyne to reply to your querys for a weec or so (because eye have to bryng the laptop bac not because ey’m crazy : ) ).
- Oh! do you lyce my new nav bar wyth cool anymated gyfs? eye do.
- Another small update
- Seeing as noone was able to use my download page, I’ve simplified it a bit : ) [of course nobody used that ever either]
- Small Update
- I’ve changed the download system. Now, to get a file fill in the form on the downloads page, and I’ll e-mail them to you next time I check my mail.
- Another Update
- It’s a zillion times better than any older versions, and it doesn’t even describe the majority of the program anymore. It’s THAT different : ) [and THAT useless]
- Reupdated!!
- Forgive me for my prolonged absense. All things going well, it’s likes will not occour again.
- I’ve added a HTML tutorial on the most basic (and usefull) aspect of javascript. I’ve used this technique to redo my navigation bar : ) [yeah, i liked that effect, it made all the stupid people with netscape have their computer crash :) ]
- I’ve forgotten to do this until now, but better late than never, so…
- Thanks Stig J�rgensen for the prorgamming help!
- I need to start fleshing out this site instead of just changing it’s look every update… [yeah, it’s really wierd, after 4 years of this crap i’ve finally settled down to a design…though it changes a bit it’s not…and if you think my web-page design is bad now, you should have seen it then, some of them were terrible, vomit inducing things.]
- Newly updated!!!
- New blender tutorial!!!
- I’ve decided to do away with background music for the moment, because the compression kept on going wrong :( On the up side, I quite
like the new navigation bar, have learned out how to make screen-savers, and am STILL
TRYING TO GET THE BLOODY DOWNLOADS TO WORK. I have a solution though, and they should be working soon…. [oh lord *cringe*, i used to have background music. but it was really nice music i made myself *pride*] - another update (i’m loosing my enthusiasm….) I would like to thank PHOENIXPHIRE!!!! She’s a great person (sorry, I didn’t have time to construct that shrine ;) ).
- I’ve added a new section to the “Articles” page, which covers my favourite Classical Music Composers. [i used to think myself something of an expert on music. i was such a wank back then (and still am, but know it now :) ]
- New cosmetics uploaded!
- I’ve completely changed the style of the site (in my understanding, black stands for student and white stands for professional :) ), and made a nice animated gif of the New revamped Mr. Cinema which you can see at the top of this page. I hope you like the new look. I’ve also added start and pause controls to the logo so you can stop the background music if it gets on your nerves :). If by some chance you don’t, e-mail me with your comments.
- SLCI has gone 2.0!! It now has an overhauled interface (much easiar to use), and is generally more fun to use!
- Fairly Lively Update!!!!
- Finally, I’ve managed to update my site. I’ve changed the sidebar to a flash one to allow me to fit in more buttons if I ever need to. [ah, flash…those were the days]
- Flip, I’ve just realised that geocities won’t let anybody acces the majority of the files in my files section. I’m trying to find a way around this, but for now if you want any of the files you’re going to have to e-mail me, and I’ll tell you how you can get to them.
- I’ve added a tutorial on how to utilise the Windows System Registry when programming Windows apps
- I’ve added a tutorial on how to implement a CODELESS voting system on ANY web page by yourself (that means that you don’t have to use that free stuff that fills your page with banners)
- I’ve added a really cool example of “obfuscated” Delphi programming I found on the internet to my files section. I don’t know who wrote it, but if anyone knows then I’ll include contact details with the zip (note, I modified the source to work as a Windows, instead of a console app, but other than that the code is 99.99% identicle). I’ve included both the source code and an exectuable in the .zip file.
- I’ve uploaded a bug-fixed version of SLCI which now can open files properly (it was one of those simple bugs which lay not in the code, but it the registry)
- Updated again
- I’ve added another Delphi program, Bubbles Chat. It’s a really graphical Internet chat program. [bubbles chat, my first tcp program *awwwwww*]
- I’ve also added a very updated version of SLCI which has a less buggy interface and some really cool new features, such as the quick open panel.
- I’ve added a new counter to this page, so I can accurately see just how many people view my site. It seems extremely good and unobtrusive for a free counter, and you can get it from [site name removed cos it’s shite].
- Another Update!
- I’ve added an ingenious voting system to my tutorials page. Just click on the link and your vote will be registered. This new system will help me in only writing tutorials which people want to read.
- If anyone downloads it, I will do a tutorial on SLCI, my Delphi Machine Code interpreter which I’ve just added to the files section.
- Musicka is the best free Delphi DirectX Program I’ve seen, go take a look at it on the files section. [i was so proud of musica,…,and i still am, it looked really nice …..shoot, i wonder whatever happened to covalency, a *really* good game i was working on a while ago…hope i havn’t lost it it took AGES to program and was quite ingenious]
- I’ve added Delphi Stuff to the files section!!! (up until now, I havn’t been able to work up enough courage to upload Musicka (3Mb) on my measly 56Kbit connection :)!!)
- I’ve changed the background music to something a little more upbeat(e-mail me if you find it annoying. On the other hand, if you simply love it, the full version is in the files section as part of the fruity loops ZIP file!)!!!!
- I’ve gotten rid of the full-screen button (because i couldn’t find out how to make it windowed again and thought that would iritate people).
- I’ve changed the side-bar graphics so I could fit in extra buttons (well, i actually added that last upload, but i forgot to mention it then). Yay! another update!
- I’ve added a files section AND a tutorials section (which is just waiting to be filled with more stuff. It currently contains one on how to do cartoon rendering with Blender)!
- Cool! Another Update!
- I’m sorry that my last update was a bit messed up. It will happen again more than likely, but I want you to know that I am sorry that it happened
- I’ve added an “articles” section to my site (only one button to fill now!), which deals with all the different programs I use, and what I think of them. It’s already pretty big, and can only get bigger as I use more programs.
- I’ve added my CV page, which is done in the style of my quantum physics web-page (see the links section), and is worth a look if you want to know more about me and have already seen the “Me” page.
- I want to set up a web-ring with like-minded people! If you want to adopt a yet to be decided animal, contact me.
- I’ve updated the site again!
- I have recently been looking at loads of tutorials for just about everything on-line, and I feel obliged to write a few of my own on something or other. I’m holding a vote, to decide which ones i write. The current possible options are (listed in alphabetical order, I have no real preference):
- Blender,Delphi, DelphiX(directX components for delphi),Fruity Loops,HTML editing,Macromedia Flash, MVC OpenGL, Paint Shop Pro, Re-Birth, Truespace 3/SE and Visual Basic
- E-mail me If you want me to do anything. If I receive no requests, I will write nothing. If i do, I will get started on a wide range of tutorials covering a wide range of programs :) This is a completely open offer, and there is no “closing date” as such, and if you cannot use something which I have not listed, tell me (as there is a big chance that I have just overlooked it. If i don’t know it, I will learn it especially for you and then write a tutorial on it :) )
- One thing to note, in case you care is that the flash movies I have made are very small in size, and should stream perfectly, even on a very slow connection (i.e. 27Kbs or less)
- I’ve changed the logo at the top of my page so it wouldn’t clash with the CV page.
- I’m studying for my exams right about now, and so won’t be able to go on-line over the following week.
- In case you havn’t heard yet, there is a really good cartoon site on the internet, at http://www.icebox.com, and it has some really good professionally made cartoons (“Queer Duck” has an incredibly catchy theme song, just wait until you hear it).
- Here, you can find out about many things which I am interested in, including programming, role-playing[lord, i can’t believe i used to be interested in such thing *cringe*], religions, etc. (to find out more, go to the “Me” section ( a section about me!).