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What sort of madman depicts space as gray?!
…was just the first of many things that came to mind.
I found that just chilling in either the top or bottom of the screen made for a near-complete autowin. Also, if you pick “no” for reporting your crew, they’re still there when you restart, but they don’t talk, and the missions start at the very beginning again. I really liked the graphics though.
I love this to death, and it’s worth replaying several times to see all of the different dialogue/romantic outcomes. I love how the upgrade system is tied into this little space opera, too.
Nice boiling down a huge space opera to really simple things. I love it. Basically this is what is Mass Effect 2.
Excellent, now I don’t have to buy mass effect 2.
This is incredible. It’s meant to be a kinda parody on Mass Effect isn’t it? Outstanding really, love the dialogue and the different branches. Ending was a bit of a surprise too.
Is there a happy ending possibility? Fantastic game, strangely addictive. Such a simple interface, yet the story sucked me in, and I want satisfaction!
This works as a very effective critique of Mass Effect (and other ‘moral choice’ RPGs). I wish Bioware would play this and get the message.
Haha, and here I thought I just jumped to ‘Mass Effect’ and ‘Knights of the Old Republic’ (a similar game with a different combat system) because I’d just been playing it. It was amusing, but I’m wondering if this is modeled after a specific game. I kept getting the feeling you were parodying something I didn’t know.
I think this would work better if you could get a “romance” with at least one character regardless of the choices you make. Your best bit of satire here is in the reward dialogs for saving the puppy, but those could easily be missed. A lot of players are probably inclined to pick “no” at the first choice. After acclimating to the austere presentation and the repetition of the flight sequences, killing the puppy seems like the first chance to make something interesting or unusual happen.
did a short review (in french) here :
good points : the shooter is really good compared to its mass effects counterpart, the dialogs are great (i love you shannon !), tricky moral dilemmas !
bad points : way too short, the graphical engine is slightly outdated, can’t play with my dualshock 3 controller.
Sad, I can’t download this :'(
You can just download the swf if you want…
It’s not site-locked…
Oh nice, very nice. At first I thought – heh? It’s so happy! Cute, even? A new feeling from one of your games! Then it dawned on me what it was, having dipped in and been very unsatisfied by ME2 recently.
The weird thing is, like ME2, I’m addicted to it despite disliking it (I wanted to keep playing it, even knowing it would never satisfy, but made myself stop). Actually the progression is better implemented in this game, from a purely mechanical pov!
Like ME2 the moral choices felt absurd, arbitrary, and ‘forced’. Dialogue was hilarious.
As a statement about the state of ‘AAA’ games it works well. Too many options, diluting each of them, requiring blandness of story (and frequent character brain transplants) so that it can be malleable enough to fit each wildly varying case.
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[…] Je viens de finir Mass Effect 2. J’ai trouvé le jeu assez court, ça m’a pris environ dix minutes (mais ça les vaut). J’ai bien aimé : le shoot, vachement amélioré depuis le 1, la partie dialogue carrément géniale (Shannon, elle est trop bonne !), les dilemmes moraux diaboliques. J’ai moins bien aimé : la durée de vie, le moteur graphique un peu daté, la maniabilité au pad. Conclusion : pour zéro euros, foncez ! […]